General Performance Info
Why We Perform
At Motions Dance Studio we love to perform!!!! We feel that performing is such a wonderful way for self confidence and self esteem to grow! The students learn the joy of working hard and then receiving a natural and fulfilling reward for their efforts and hard work. There is a wonderful joy and natural high that is felt when performing that teaches students appropriate and healthy ways to find joy in life! We hold two big recitals every year: one at Christmas and our Grand Spring Recital. We are also excited to announce that we now have competition teams who will be exploring that exciting part of the dance world!
Performance Participation
All students in performing classes are encouraged and expected to participate in the performances. The students work hard all year long and the performances are the pinnacle point of the season. The classes learn to work together and rely on each other. Any student who wishes not to be included in the performances must inform the instructor in written format before they begin to learn the dances that will be performed. All performance fees, costume fees, and tuition must be paid in order to perform. Tuition needs to be current, up through the date of the performance to participate. Students must participate in a predetermined amount of classes leading up to any performance. This may vary by instructor and season. Monthly class totals will include weekly classes and performances. Students must wear their assigned costume in order to be included in any given performance. Dance classes (with the exception of Tiny and Mini Combo classes) will culminate with a Grand Spring Recital in May which is held at a local auditorium. Cheer Classes will end the year with our annual Cheer fest.
Performance Year Costs
At Motions we strive to make the performance costs as affordable as possible for our dance families! We don’t charge admittance at our Christmas Showcase, Grand Spring Recital or Cheer Fest. We want all children to be able to dance and perform no matter what their financial circumstances are. So, we make a conscious effort to make all costs associated with the performances as low as possible!
A Performance Package will be charged to each performing student with registration. For our continuing students, the Spring Performance fee will be due with January’s tuition. This Performance Package is non-refundable. Below is a description of what each fee is used for. There are some exceptions to the fees and they are highlighted at the bottom of this page. The fees will be applied to each dancer’s account through the Parent Portal.
** Students only need to pay one Performance Fee per performance. If your student is registered in more than one class, and you are charged more than one Performance Fee, please reach out to our office manager so we can adjust your second Performance Package to reflect only the purchase of your costume(s) [email protected]
Christmas Performance
Tiny and Mini Combo Class Package
Christmas Performance-
Includes one age appropriate costume for your dander to keep.
$15 Performance Fee
$30 Costume Purchase
Petite/Jr/Sr/Teen Combo and Hip Hop Class Package
Christmas Performance-
Includes one age appropriate costume for your dancer to keep
$25 Performance Fee
$35 Costume Purchase
Ballet 1-3 Class
Christmas Performance
Includes one age appropriate costume for your dancer to keep.
$25 Performance Fee
$35 Costume Purchase
Rec Cheer Class
Christmas Performance
Includes shirt, bottoms, and cheer bow
$25 Performance Fee
$40 Costume Purchase
Ballet 4-Pointe Class Package
Christmas Performance-
Includes one age appropriate costume for your dancer to keep
$25 Performance Fee
$40 Costume Purchase
We will reuse one piece of the Christmas costume for Spring (either the skirt or leo)
Spring Performance Package
Spring Performance Charges will post mid-December and are due with January's tuition.
Tiny and Mini Combo Class Package
Spring Performance-
Includes two age appropriate costumes with a mixtures of leos, skirts, accessories etc. that your dancer gets to keep.
$15 Performance Fee
$45 Costume Purchase
Petite/Jr/Sr/Teen Combo and Hip Hop Class Package
Spring Performance-
Includes two age appropriate costumes with a mixture of leos/skirts/accessories etc.that your dancer gets to keep.
$35 Performance Fee
$65 Costume Purchase
Ballet 1-3 Class
Spring Performance
Includes one age appropriate costume your dancer gets to keep.
$35 Performance Fee
$35 Costume Purchase
Rec Cheer Class
Spring Performance
Includes a shirt, bottom and cheer bow.
$35 Performance Fee
$40 Costume Purchase
Ballet 4-Pointe Class Package
Spring Performance-
We will use either the skirt or leo from Christmas. Students will receive a new piece to pair with it. (Note: if you didn't perform at Christmas, you will need to purchase the piece from Christmas)
$35 Performance Fee
$30 Costume Purchase