Motions Dance Studio Spring 2015 Costume Check and Picture Sessions
Below is the schedule for the Costume Check and Picture Sessions organized by assigned Session and then by dance class. We will try on the costumes and make sure that there are no malfunctions and that they fit correctly. We will also take individual and class pictures! So, please try to be there with your dancers in their base costumes and hair and makeup done!! Picture prices will be emailed to you soon!
Costume Checks and Picture Sessions will be done at Motions Dance Studio’s Main facility (390 E Corporate Dr) except those marked with a *, those will be done at the Meridian Community Center, during class time.
Tuesday April 7th*
4:45-5:45 Sr Cheer
Wednesday April 8th
9:45- 10:30 Laura’s 2-3 W 9:45 combo class
10:30- 11:15 Nicki’s 4-5 W 10:30 combo class
11:15- 12 Hannah’s 2-3 M 10:15 combo class
1-1:45 Nicki’s 4-5 W 1 pm combo class
4:45- 5:30 Hannah’s W 4:45 Mini Ballet
5:30- 6:10 Hannah’s 2-3 W 5:45 combo class
6:10-7:10 Hannah’s W 6:10 Jr. Ballet
7:10- 7:40 Hannah’s T 8pm Sr Dance Combo
Thurday April 9th*
4:30- 5:10 Jr Cheer 1
5:15- 6:15 Jr Cheer 2
Friday April 10th
9:30- 10 Cyndi’s F 9:30 Mini Cheer
10- 10:45 Bri’s 2-3 M 9:30 Combo class
10:45- 11:30 Bri’s 4-5 M 10:15 Combo Class
11:30- 12:15 Bri’s 2-3 M 11:15 Combo Class
4-4:45 Bri’s 2-3 Th 11:15 combo Class
4:45- 5:45 Bri and Nicki’s F Jr. Combo 2
5:45- 6:30 Laura’s T 5:45 K-1st Combo Class
6:30- 7 Laura’s T 6:50 Jr Combo 1
7- 7:30 Bri’s Th 6:30 Jr Combo 1
7:30- 8 Cyndi’s M 6:40 Sr Hip Hop
Saturday April 11th
9:30- 10:15 Emily’s Clogging
10:15- 10:45 Cyndi’s M 5:45 Jr Hip Hop
10:45- 11:30 Bri’s 2-3 Th 10:30 Combo Class
11:30- 12:15 Bri’s 4-5 Th 9:30 Combo Class
12:15- 1 Cyndi’s M 4:30 Pop
3- 3:45 Nicki’s 2-3 T Combo Class
3:45- 4:30 Nicki’s 4-5 T Combo Class
4:30- 5:15 Bri’s 2-3 Th 5:45 Combo Class
5:15- 6 Bri’s 4-5 Th 4:45 Combo Class